Er batteriproduksjon Norges nye vekstnæring?

Fysisk i Polyteknisk Forening og digitalt på Polyteknisk Forenings nettside. Rosenkrantz' gate 7, Oslo

Er utvikling av batteriteknologi og batteriproduksjon den nye vekstnæringen i Norge? Kan Norge lykkes med sin satsing? Hva er forutsetningene for suksess, og hva er barrierene? Norge har en lang tradisjon med utvikling av kraftkrevende industri. En fellesnevner for denne satsingen er kombinasjonen av rimelig elektrisitet og materialkunnskap. I de siste årene er flere store […]

ARENDALSUKA – Batterinasjonen Norge bygges nå

Bærekraftscnen Friergangen 3, Arendal

Den norske regjerningen lanserte i 2022 en nasjonal batteristrategi med 10 grep for at Norge skal bli et attraktivt vertsland for bærekraftig og lønnsom aktivitet i hele verdikjeden og tiltrekke oss de store gigafabrikkene. Nå, ett år senere, har mye skjedd på batterifronten både i Norge og i resten av verden. Battery Norway inviterer til en gjennomgang […]

Oslo Battery Days

Grand Hotel, Oslo Karl Johans gate 31, 0159 Oslo

The 5th OBD Battery Conference we'll meet to discuss and provide a platform for technological innovations and business opportunities with the latest updates in that fields in Norway and abroad. Follow Oslo Battery Days on LinkedIn For the 2023 event we will offer a beutiful Fjordcruise that includes dinner, networking and a view of Oslo skyline […]

Nordic Battery Thursday #4


Inflation Reduction Act one year later: what has happened in Europe? 31 August 2023, 10-11 am CEST / 11-12 am EEST Livestream Join us for the Nordic Battery Thursday webinar as our expert guests discuss the current status and impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act on the battery sector in Europe! After a year with […]

Workshop: Battery Technology

UiA Campus Grimstad C2-041 Grimstad, Norway

Why batteries? Lithium-ion batteries are key enablers for the green shift, allowing the storage of energy from renewable sources like wind or photovoltaics for later use. The industry in Sørlandet is orienting towards battery manufacturing, covering a broad range of the battery value chain from material and battery production to system design and recycling. It is a unique opportunity to utilize Norway’s hydropower […]

Nordic Regional Battery Visit October 10th-11th

Clarion Hotel Tyholmen Teaterplassen 2, Arendal

The Nordic Battery Collaboration between Innovation Norway, Business Sweden and Business Finland, invite you to the second Nordic Regional Battery Visit. The theme for this gathering is innovative battery materials – focusing on regional sourced raw materials combined with sustainable recycling. During the 1½ day program, you will learn from others, share insights and experiences, […]

Battery Innovation Days

Bordeaux (France) and online

The Battery Innovation Days is a unique 2-day hybrid experience designed to spark conversations on the latest developments in the European R&I Battery domain.   WHAT TO EXPECT The Battery Innovation Days fosters dialogue among the research community, policy makers, industry players and end-users to push battery research and innovation in Europe. Batteries are crucial to the […]

Joining forces: Nordic booth and mingle at the Furure Battery Forum

Estrel Convention Center (+ Mingle at the Nordic Embassies) Sonnenallee 225, Berlin, Germany

The Nordic Battery Collaboration, comprising of Business Finland, Business Sweden and Innovation Norway, supported by Nordic Innovation, invites you to join the Nordic Battery Collaboration Booth at the Future Battery Forum and an exclusive Nordic Battery Mingle to discuss how the Nordic countries can leverage and combine their complemented strengths across the battery value chain and accelerate […]

Nordic Battery Thursday: Future Trends for the 2nd Life Battery Applications


Join us for the first Nordic Battery Thursday webinar in year 2024! This webinar will explore future opportunities and trends in battery reuse and repurposing in the Nordics. We will encompass reuse from perspectives from both research and companies, with a panel discussion highlighting opportunities and challenges identified by value chain actors. Time: January 18th 2024, […]


Innovation Norway and the Norwegian Embassy in Ottawa invite you to a webinar presentation about the Canadian critical and industrial minerals ecosystem. A brand new report will be presented highlighting Norwegian opportunities. Agenda: 1. Welcoming remarks – Sofia Tesfaghiorghis, Norwegian Embassy to Ottawa 2. Market analysis & commercial opportunities – Liz Lappin, Common Good Mining […]