ARENDALSUKA: Det blir ikke et grønt skifte uten batterier!

Bærekraftscenen, Arendal kino

Norsk Industri og Battery Norway inviterer deg til en inspirerende ettermiddag om batterienes avgjørende rolle i en fornybar fremtid. Batterier er essensielle for å elektrifisere transportsektoren og lagre overskuddsenergi fra […]

Oslo Battery Days 2024

Grand Hotel, Oslo Karl Johans gate 31, 0159 Oslo

Schive AS, Shmuel De-Leon Energy and Battery Norway are pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th Oslo Battery Days, battery conference, which will take place at the Grand […]

EU Crash Course

Brussels, Belgium

We are excited to announce an upcoming EU Crash Course tailored specifically for Nordic battery companies. This event will deep dive into EU regulations in the battery value chain, investigating […]

The Nordics at the Future Battery Forum

Berlin, Germany

For the second year, the Nordics invite you to participate in the Future Battery Forum in Berlin, one of Europe’s key battery conferences. Together we will host a ‘Nordic Stand’ […]