Upcoming event

Arendal Coliseum Arendal, Arendal, Norway

This event information will be coming soon


Kokkala/online , Finland

NEXT NORDIC BATTERY THURSDAY 2022: REFINING OF BATTERY MINERALS AND PREPARATION OF BATTERY CHEMICALS - November 16th, 8:00-10:40 CET // 9:00-11:40 EEST The Nordic battery collaboration is anchored at the ministerial level and operationalized by our municipalities, research institutions, clusters as well as the individual companies. In our next “Nordic Battery Thursday”, the Nordic trade […]

Final Batman seminar

pakkhuset oslo Nedre Slottsgate 2 C, Oslo, Norway

The EV battery expansion: Bottlenecks, conflicting goals and possible solutions This short seminar presents comprehensive new research insights on how the global demand for battery materials could develop in the period up to 2050, how this demand could be met, and what risks may be elicited in alternative electrification pathways. The seminar also takes stock […]

Meet the Makers of Electric Future in South West Finland

City of Salo (Feb 8th) and City of Turku (Feb 9th)

Meet with potential new partners and customers from Norway, Sweden and Finland. Learn and share insights, challenges, and solutions between regions active in electrification and battery business. The event is arranged in co-operation with the Nordic Battery Collaboration, which is an initiative between Innovation Norway, Business Sweden and Business Finland. Note that Nordic Battery Thursdays […]

Battery Japan 15. – 17. March, 2023 in Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Big Sight

The Nordic Battery Collaboration with a joint strategic collaboration between Innovation Norway, Business Sweden and Business Finland creates a strong complimentary Nordic Value Proposition for the promotion and development of a green and sustainable battery value chain in the Nordic region. Together with Nordic Innovation and the Nordic Innovation House Tokyo, we are happy to […]

Nordic EV Summit

NOVA Spektrum, Lillestrøm Messeveien 8, Lillestrøm

One of many interresting parts of the program takes place on Thursday 4th of May from 14:45 - 15:30: Sustainable battery production in the 21st century – geopolitics and emissions  An electric future is impossible without batteries. What is the status of the value chain for sustainable battery production? Who are the winners and who […]

Er batteriproduksjon Norges nye vekstnæring?

Fysisk i Polyteknisk Forening og digitalt på Polyteknisk Forenings nettside. Rosenkrantz' gate 7, Oslo

Er utvikling av batteriteknologi og batteriproduksjon den nye vekstnæringen i Norge? Kan Norge lykkes med sin satsing? Hva er forutsetningene for suksess, og hva er barrierene? Norge har en lang tradisjon med utvikling av kraftkrevende industri. En fellesnevner for denne satsingen er kombinasjonen av rimelig elektrisitet og materialkunnskap. I de siste årene er flere store […]